Masaki Wachi

Masaki Wachi (和智正喜, Wachi Masaki) is a writer who contributed to the scenario and dialogue writing for Shining Forceː The Legacy of Great Intention, a project for which he was hired as a freelance worker by Climax Entertainment. He would return to the Shining series to write for the game's remake, Shining Forceː Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, in which other staff from Climax were also involved. Wachi worked as supervising editor for the reimagined story of Neverland's Shining Force Neo, for which he also wrote the graphic novels.[2] Since then, Wachi has continued to write light novels.
Published Statements
Development of Shining Force
The following is excerpted from a discussion between Masaki Wachi and Kenji Orimo in the November 1991 issue of Beepǃ MegaDrive.[1]
[Wachi] In the case of Shining and the Darkness's 3D dungeons, every map layout was fundamentally the same, but this time it was important to make a map that fit the scenario.
和智 シャイダクの場合は3Dダンジョンだったので、マップのパターンは基本的にみんな同じでしたけど、今回はシナリオに合わせたマップ作りということで作業も大変ですね。
[Interviewer] To that end, there's no doubt the graphics, the gameplay, and the scenario are all on a much larger scale than they were in Shining and the Darkness. Now, onto the main topic. The setting of Shining Force is hundreds of years before Mephisto's uprising, but is there really a direct connection between it and the story of Shining and the Darkness? And will Mephisto from Shining and the Darkness make an appearance?
というように、とにかくシャイダク以上にグラフィック、システム、シナリオすべてにおいて大規模なゲームになることは間違いなさそうだ。さてこれからが本題。「シャイニ ング・フォース」の舞台はずばりシャイダクでのメフィストの反乱から数百年遡った世界だというのだが、果してシャイダクのストーリーと直接関係があるのか? そしてシャイダクのメフィストは登場するのだろうか?
[Wachi] There is a connection! Well, now I've gone and said it! [Laughs.] There's definitely a twist, but regarding the connection to Mephisto and Shining and the Darkness' ending, no comment. But, to keep the flavor of the previous game Tamaki is helping with graphics and I feel like I've added my own color to it too.
和智 関係はあります! あ、いっちゃった (笑)。確かにけっこう大きな仕掛はありますが、メフィストやシャイダクのラストとの関連は、まだノーコメント。ただ前作の世界のニオイを残しつつグラフィックの玉木君と協力して僕なりに色をつけていったという感じですね。
[Orimo] I think it's directly connected to Shining in the Darkness II. [Laughs.] It was also the case with Shining in the Darkness, we wanted to make an original fantasy world that was different from the so-called orthodox RPG. This time we're taking the world created in Shining in the Darkness and making it larger and more detailed. If anything, it's possible that Shining Force will create a different Shining World from that of Shining in the Darkness. After this, naturally I want to make Shining in the Darkness II and Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal. That kind of multi-layered development is the Shining World.
折茂 直接関係するのはシャイダクIIだと思います (笑)。シャイダクのときもそうだったんですが、いわいるオーソドックスなRPGからちょっと外れた独自の架空世界を作れたらいいなということです。今回はシャイダクで作られた世界をもう少し大きく捉えて、細かい設定を作っていきました。逆にいうと「シャイニング・フォース」からシャイダクとは違ったシャイニングワールドが生まれる可能性があります。今後シャイダクIIも当然、作るだろうし「シャイニング・フォース」のIIだって作っていきたい。そういう重層的な展開がシャイニングワールドなんです。
[Interviewer] To change the subject, I heard that plans for Shining in the Darkness II are definitely in the works. The expectations for the Shining World from here on are big. I want to hear more about Shining Force's setting, the Rune Continent. The map we can see has a sea full of riches. Will there be transportation, like ships?
[Wachi] Hmm, ships? There might be, and there might also be travel in the sky or maybe underground passages. Maybe I'll talk about that another time.
和智 うーん、船ですか。あるかも知れません、空も飛ぶかもしれません、地下通路があるかもしれません。そのへんは、いずれまた。
[Orimo] Anyway, I'm very conscious of the terrain when I make maps. I also take into account terrain effects.
折茂 とにかく地形を非常に意識して、マップを作っています。地形効果もかなり考慮していますよ。
Foreword in ASCII's Shining Force Strategy Guide
Game Credits
JP Release | Title | Credits |
March 1991 | Phantasy Star IIː Huey's Adventure | Writing |
March 1992 | Shining Force | Scenario, Subscript |
July 1996 | PoPoLoCrois | Scenario |
Sept. 1999 | Time Stalkers | Writing |
July 2001 | Missing Blue | Writing |
July 2003 | June Angel | Writing |
Aug. 2004 | Shining Force (GBA) | Story |
March 2005 | Shining Force Neo | Supervising Story Editor |
External Links
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Staff Directory
Shining Staff | |
Artists | Yoshitaka Tamaki・Hiroshi Kajiyama・SUEZEN・Fumihide Aoki・Shin Yamanouchi・Tony Taka・Masaki Hirooka・Yuriko Nishiyama・pako・Noizi Ito・Shishizaru・HACCAN・Ryota Murayama |
Musicians | Masahiko Yoshimura・Motoaki Takenouchi・Motoi Sakuraba |
Writers | Masaki Wachi・Sami Shinosaki |
Translators | Victor Ireland |
Programmers | Kan Naito・Yasuhiro Taguchi・P. E. Jareth Hein |
Directors | Kenji Orimo |
Producers | Hiroyuki Takahashi・Shugo Takahashi・Tsuyoshi Sawada |
Related Staff | |
Artists | Masanori Sato |
Translators | Jon Rodgers |