Shining Force Strategy Guide

- See also: Shining Media
The Shining Force Strategy Guide (シャイニングフォース 攻略の手引き, Shainingu Fōsu Kōryaku no Tebiki) is a strategy guide for Shining Force: Legacy of the Gods written by Famitsu and published by ASCII in 1992. This book contains detailed battle plans, short biographies of major characters, and a country guide with fictional histories and demographics.
The book is noteworthy for its involvement of lead Shining Force writer Masaki Wachi. Many of the details Wachi contributed to the guide are referenced in the script he wrote for Resurrection. Yoshitaka Tamaki repeats Wachi's date for the beginning of the Runefaustian invasion—the twenty-third day of the Scarlet Sparrow—in Doom Blade: Shining and the Darkness Gaiden.
ASCII's Shining Force Strategy Guide uses coat of arms illustrations that have elements in common with those of Shogakukan's Shining Force Setting Compendium, but the two books display contradictory population statistics.
Foreword by Masaki Wachi

Shining Force writer Masaki Wachi provided Famitsu with the following introductory message for the book.
The World of Shining Force
Text: Masaki Wachi (Shining Force Scenario Lead)
文●和智正喜 (シャイニング・ フォース シナリオ担当)Anything Goes in the World of Shining Force . . .
〈シャイング・フォース〉の世界は〈ナンデモアリ!〉だ・・・Several thoughts kept surfacing in my mind as I wrote the scenario for Shining Force. First of all, how it would relate to the previous game, Shining and the Darkness (which was a totally different kind of game). Should it preserve the world shown in Shining and the Darkness or go for something completely new . . . ?
It was honestly a pretty distressing decision to have to make. And what was its result . . . ? Well, as we all know, Shining Force has a very different atmosphere from that of Shining and the Darkness.
Shining and the Darkness follows a strict fantasy setting as opposed to Shining Force's world, where you get the sense that anything goes. There's no denying that knights and wizards play an important role, but you also have creatures running around that you can't really identify, and there's this an old man going on a rampage with a helicopter on his back. At best you could call the world rich with variety, but at worst just comes across as chaotic . . . It gave me a lot of anxiety wondering whether or not people would be willing to accept that. But those fears did come to an end. I think that the world of Shining Force we have now, shaped as it was by the hands of the game's amazing staff, has grown to be embraced by a lot of people, and it's taken on its own sort of charm.
[Caption] The impressive full-screen battle scenes are innovative with their CinemaScope style.
★ビジュアル性を全面に押し出した迫力の戦画面シネスコタイプのレイアウトが斬新。What makes this an essential book for fans of Shining Force . . . ?
というわけで〈シャイニング・フォース〉ファン必携の本ができた・・・?Well, during the production of ASCII's Shining Force Strategy Guide, I got a request from their editorial department.
They said, "We want to create a book that's a little bit different from traditional strategy guides up to this point—one that allows people to enjoy the world of Shining Force beyond what's shown in the game."
So I couldn't help but want to get involved in the making of this book. And I didn't just use setting ideas from when the game was in development; I also came up with a lot of new setting details—and they sure did ask for a lot . . . Jeez!
So a lot of different things ended up in this book. Of course, you've got battle strategies, but there's also each country's GNP and coat of arms, pie charts with racial demographics, the operating principals of Gantz's steam suit, and nitty-gritty details down to the contents of Gong's rucksack.
All these vignettes aren't really necessary if you just want to finish the game. But for those players who think there's more to playing a game than compiling statistics on allies and enemies or strategies for defeating enemies in particular . . . I think this book should make for a really fun read. It brings me joy to see people really taking the world of Shining Force to heart . . . Anyway, that's what I think.
それらのエピソードは、ただゲームを終わらせるだけなら必要ないかもしれない。けれど、 敵や味方のデータを集め、戦略を立てて敵を倒していくだけがゲームの遊び方じゃない………………そう思っているユーザーの方々になら、この本はきっと楽しい読み物になると思う。シャイニング・フォースの世界が、皆さんの心の中でもつと広がってくれると嬉しい・・・・・・そう思う。
Photograph © Bonkarā
Articles with Translated Excerpts
History, Geography, and Demographics
- Scans are available on Sega Retro. [PDF]