Land Stalker: The Emperor's Treasure

Land Stalker: The Emperor's Treasure (ランドストーカー 皇帝の財宝, Randosutōkā Kōtei no Zaihou), titled Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole in English-language markets, is an action-adventure game originally planned as a Shining game that was developed by Climax Entertainment and published by Sega for the Mega Drive in October 1992 and worldwide between October and November 1993.
Development History

Climax announced the development of Land Stalker at a Sega press conference on June 11, 1992. Climax revealed that although it had started out as a Shining game, it was no longer to be considered part of the series.

Although Climax and Sonic's Shining Force had only released just a few months earlier in March, development on Land Stalker was already around halfway complete. Design documents shared by executive director and chief programmer Kan Naito show that planning on Land Stalker had begun at Climax as far back as July 1991. At its earliest stages, Land Stalker had been imagined as a new entry in the Shining series. An early internal title was Hero Lancelot: Legend of Shining (勇者ランスロット~レジェンド オブ シャイニング~), and a later working title was Shining Spirit: Strongest Adventure Dude Lyle (シャイニング・スピリット ~最強の冒険野郎・ライル~). The title Shining Spirit can be found as an Easter egg in Shining Force as the title of a book on a shelf in Bastork.
Beep! MegaDrive, August 1992
The following text is translated from the body of an article regarding Land Stalker's announcement.[1]
Page 61
After the slow trickle of information covered by this magazine, Climax has finally held a presentation on the development of their 16-megabit game. It was June 11th. The place: the grand Golden Cup reception room on the third floor of Tokyo Prince Hotel, where many reporters gathered. The game they announced was not part of the Shining series. It's Land Stalker, an isometric action RPG. I say "isometric", but it's completely different from any game up till now; using the DDS520 engine, a vast world like a miniature garden unfolds. At the presentation, their latest experiments were shown in detail with videos and slides. In particular, President Naito's explanation went on for over 30 minutes, and it was clear he feels strongly about this game. The game is scheduled to be released this fall. It's already almost time for the final push to completion, but I want to know the full details of the game as soon as I possibly can.
本誌でも細々と情報が流れていたが、とうとうクライマックス制作の16メガのゲームの発表会が行われた。時は6月11日、場所は東京プリンスホテル3階のゴールデンカップという大な広間にたくさんの取材陣が集まった。発表されたゲームは「シャイニング」シリーズではない。「ランドストーカー」、クォータービューのアクションRPGだ。クォータービューといっても従来のゲームとはまったく違い、"DDS520" というプログラミングシステムを採用し、広大な世界を箱庭のように再現している。発表会ではビデオやスライドを交えて、新しい試みについて詳しく紹介。とくに内藤社長からの説明は30分以上にもおよび、このゲームに対する強烈な思い入れがヒシヒシと感じられた。ゲームの発売は今年の秋。もうそろそろ完成へ追いこみの時期だが、早くゲームの全貌を知りたいものだ。
Page 65

A completely new engine that creates a totally new style of visual that games up until now have been incapable of. Now under construction is a three-dimensional world at an overhead 45-degree angle with a sense of height and depth. This makes Land Stalker an innovative game deserving of the title of next-gen RPG. Originally planned to be a game in the Shining series, it was decided that because Land Stalker's system was entirely new, it would become a new series separate from Shining. All things considered, the innovation of the DDS520 system that built Land Stalker is on clear display.
この画期的立体プログラムシステムによって、今までのゲームでは表現できなかったまったく新しい視覚表現が生まれた。高さと前後感のある斜め45度見下ろしの立体世界が着々と構築されていく。そのため、「ランドス トーカー」は次世代型RPGといえるような革新的なゲームに仕上がった。当初は「ランド ストーカー」はシャイニングシリーズの1つとして企画されたが、システム的にまったく新しくなったため、シャイニングシリーズとは違う、別系統のシリーズとなったわけだ。こんなところからも「ランドストーカー」を構築した"DDS520"の革新性が、よくわかる。
Design Documents
Project Outline
The text below is a translation of an early project outline for what would become Land Stalker.[2]
1991-07-23 01:01 PM
Hero Lancelot: Legend of Shining
Project Outline Document
- This game, in accordance with our prior proposal, will be the grand finale of the Climax RPG trilogy, and as such, this company's full efforts are being utilized to develop this innovative action RPG.
1. What's new in this game!
- Isometric map style. This is sometimes seen on the Amiga, but is still fresh in Japanese video games. Video game enthusiasts, not to mention Famicom users, will surely be shocked when they see the new ideas in this game.
- Isometric scrolling! Due to problems like VRAM, isometric games are usually limited to one room on a single screen. However, with this game, you will be able to move freely on a map as large as 64x64 characters. That will surely add to the shock.
- The 3D concept adds depth! You can stand on top of the wall! = The top of the wall is a path! At first glance, this idea seems completely ordinary, but the coding required is very esoteric and complicated! Others won't be able to keep up.
- Smooth character movement! In spite of the memory requirement, and it requiring no small amount of labor, we decided to express every movement in detail. But having done so, you'll be able to enjoy smooth movement like never before. Therefore, players will surely be able to feel how advanced this game is.
- Unique visual style! This game is a continuation of the world of Shining and the Darkness. As such, the way enemies appear will be the same as in Shining and the Darkness and we're sure players will look forward to that! Just enjoying the unique visual style alone is enough for it to have hold commercial value.
2. What sort of game is this?
As you can see reading this proposal, it's basically a next-gen action RPG like The Legend of Zelda. Therefore, that means we're targeting an overseas market, as opposed to Shining Force (currently under development) that's targeted at Japan. This game is positioned as a further evolution of the Zelda system, which is extremely popular in America.
- The world immediately after Shining and the Darkness. It's a next-gen Zelda game, and the setting is a medieval fantasy adventure. So, that makes the world of Shining and the Darkness easy to understand for players, and Shining and the Darkness [End of document.]

The map found in Shining Spirit's design documents shows the relationship between Stormsang (ストームサング, Sutōmusangu), the setting of Shining and the Darkness and Doom Blade: Shining and the Darkness Gaiden, and Melville Island (メルビル島, Merubiru Shima). Melville Island was renamed Mercator Island for Land Stalker.


Character Proposal
Yoshitaka Tamaki wrote the following description of Lyle (ライル, Rairu), known as Nigel in the English release. The Merlin (マーリン, Mārin) that Tamaki compares Lyle to is the Pyra of the English release of Shining in the Darkness.

Story Ideas
The story proposal below describes the main character and their relationship to the structure of the story.[3]
Hero Lancelot Story Idea (「勇者ランスロット」 ストーリー案)
October 27, 1991 (1991.10.27)
Main Character's Personality (主人公の性格)
The main character, as was submitted as part of the character’s design, should be a rowdy treasure hunter. Their personality would be the type of person with a strong sense of curiosity who immediately puts their thoughts into action. Rather than being the impulsive and hot-blooded type, they would be more fickle and tend to take a leisurely afternoon nap when they aren't feeling up to it. But when something catches their interest, they get so absorbed in it that they don't pay attention to anything else and rush to achieve their goals. Because they're unconstrained by social etiquette and hate being restricted, those around them may sometimes look at them with disdain. While they ordinarily act cheerfully, they're actually very lonely and a romantic who loves flowers and small animals.
主人公は、キャラクターデザインに付されていたように、暴れん坊のトレジャーハンター という設定でいきたいと思います。性格としては、好奇心が強く、思ったことを即実行に移していくといったタイプです。ただし、直情熱血型というよりは気分屋で、気が乗らないときは、のんびり昼寝などをしています。そのかわり、いったんなにかに興味を持つと他のことが目に入らなくなるほど熱中し、目的を達成するまでつっ走ります。常識にとらわれず、束縛を嫌う性格なので、周囲の者から多少、白い目でみられることもあるようです。普段は明るく振る舞っていますが、じつは結構寂しがり屋で、花や小動物を愛するロマンチストでもあります
Goal of the Adventure (冒険の目的)
There are many things being considered for the main character's adventure, but the thinking is that for this game treasure hunting would be most suitable given the profession of the main character. Also, it's more like a main character to go on an adventure of their own will rather than be ordered to do something by someone else. However, just aimlessly hunting for treasure would diminish the sense of urgency in the game, so it's necessary to give a sense of purpose. Therefore, in addition to the main character, it’s better to have a rival treasure hunter who will compete with the main character in hunting for treasure. Also, the overall scale of the game might be bigger if the treasure they're after is a place like El Dorado or a lost continent rather than some treasure hidden somewhere.
冒険物語における主人公の目的には様々なものが考えられますが、このゲームでは主人公の職業柄、宝探しがもっとも適しているように思われます。それも、だれかに命じられて行動を起こすのではなく、自らの意思で冒険に出発するほうが主人公らしいといえるでしょう。ただし、漠然と宝探しをするのでは、ゲームとしての緊迫感が薄れてしまうため、ある程度の使命感は与えておく必要があります。そこで、主人公のほかにトレジャーハン ターのライバルを設定し、これと宝探しを競わせる方向にもっていきたいと思います。また、目的の宝は、どこかに隠された宝というよりは、エルドラドや失われた大陸のような場所そのものにしたほうが、ゲーム全体のスケールが大きくなるかもしれません。
—Also under consideration are other goals that haven't been seen in many games yet, like searching for true love (a lover you haven't met), searching for a mystical animal, or bounty hunting, but let's save that for later.
Main Character's Circumstances (主人公の環境)
It would be better if the main character didn’t have any relatives, more or less. The easiest way to develop the game would be to have the character somehow separated from their family when they're young, and then found by a nice elderly couple and raised in a peaceful village. After growing up, they become interested in treasure hunting and make a name for themselves after finding several treasures. However, because of their above-mentioned personality, someone employs them for a job [Document ends mid-sentence.]
Images of Documents
Game Directory
Shining Games | |
Mega Drive | Shining and the Darkness・Shining Force・ Shining Force II・Shining Force CD |
Game Gear | Shining Force Gaiden・Shining Force Gaiden II・Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict |
Saturn | Shining Wisdom・Shining the Holy Ark・Shining Force III Sc. 1・Shining Force III Sc. 2・Shining Force III Sc. 3・Shining Force III PD |
Game Boy Advance | Shining Soul・Shining Soul II・Shining Force: Resurrection of the Black Dragon |
PlayStation 2 | Shining Tears・Shining Force Neo・Shining Force EXA・Shining Wind |
Mobile | Shining Road to the Force・Shining Road 2 |
PlayStation Portable | Shining Hearts・Shining Blade・Shining Ark |
Nintendo DS | Shining Force Feather |
Arcade | Shining Force Cross・Blade Arcus from Shining |
PlayStation 3 | Shining Resonance・Blade Arcus from Shining EX |
PlayStation 4 / Switch | Shining Resonance Refrain・Blade Arcus from Shining Rebellion |
Related Games | |
PC-88 | Fangs: The Saga of Wolf Blood |
Mega Drive | Land Stalker: The Emperor's Treasure・Ragnacënty |
Super Famicom | FEDA: The Emblem of Justice・Lady Stalker |
Saturn | FEDA Remake!・Dark Savior |
PlayStation | Alundra・FEDA 2: White Surge the Platoon・Alundra 2 |
Dreamcast | Climax Landers |
Game Boy Advance | Golden Sun: The Broken Seal・Golden Sun: The Lost Age |
Nintendo DS | Golden Sun: Jet Black Dawn |