FEDA Design Documents
In October 2024, on the thirtieth anniversary of FEDA's release, publisher Yanoman posted a Twitter thread containing images of design documents from several boxed binders that were recently recovered from a warehouse slated for demolition.
Yanoman's Twitter Thread
10/28/2024 22:48:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850897533826175139 | |
本日SFCフェーダ発売30周年! また皆さんの投稿で教えてもらいました😅 アレサ投稿に反響を頂いた中、フェーダに関する声も多く頂いたこと、承知しております✨ ...ご安心ください、フェーダの開発資料も現存しております🎉 分厚いフォルダー8冊にわたり非常に詳細に、そして当時携わったクリエイターさん、そしてユーザーの皆さんの熱量が伝わるたいへん貴重な記録が残されておりました! 一部ですがご覧ください\(^o^)/ (続く | |
Today is the thirtieth anniversary of FEDA’s Super Famicom release! As I’ve come to learn from all of your posts. 😅 Looking through everyone’s replies to our post about Aretha, we heard from a lot of people who wanted to talk about FEDA, so I'm now well aware. ✨ . . . And you’ll all be relieved to hear that the design documents for FEDA are still around. 🎉 Spanning eight massive binders, this truly remarkable and phenomenally detailed record is a testament to the passion of both the game’s developers and its players! This is just a sample, but I hope you’ll take a look. \(^o^)/ (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 22:53:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850898604812284296 | |
中身的には当時の開発会社様とのFAXに直筆にて意見交換などが行われていた模様や手書きによる指示など多岐にわたっており、走り書き等から当時の弊社担当がそれらの媒体を整理したもの?と推測しています。 ただご存じの通り弊社のゲーム部門は解散してから長い時間が経ち当時所属していた人もすでに社内には残っておらず、しかも開発会社は存続していないため詳細はまったくの不明。 時期的にはSFCフェーダの企画段階のプロットからプレステ/サターンへの移植時という長いスパンの記録のようで、それら細部のわたるデザイナーさんとのやりとりやイベント決定までの流れ、開発ツールの運用ルールなど、ひとつのゲーム(シリーズ)を開発するにあたり周辺情報含めこと細かに膨大な量がドキュメントされております。 他社様事例はわからないのですが、かなり広範囲の情報をここまで体系だって整理されているのは珍しいのではないでしょうか? (続く | |
These comprehensive files include handwritten faxes from the game’s development studio passing ideas back and forth, as well as handwritten instructions. I guess one of our company’s managers at the time must have put all these scribbles together? But as you probably know, our gaming division dissolved a long time ago, and the people who worked there are no longer with the company. And since the game’s development studio doesn’t exist anymore either, the details are a mystery. The records span a period stretching from the planning stages of the plot of FEDA’s Super Famicom iteration through the game’s Saturn port and its PlayStation sequel. This huge collection of documents comprises exchanges between designers, outlines for progression through different game events, procedures for development tools, and all the other information to do with the development of such a game series. I don’t know how other companies handle this kind of thing, but I have to imagine it’s exceptionally rare for such a wide range of information to be so systematically catalogued. (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 22:55:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850899231344636301 | |
当時のプログラミング技術やアーキテクチャに関すると思われる専門的な部分?(詳しくないので💦)なんかもあり、ひょっとしたら有識者の方ならコレってなる部分でしょうか? (続く | |
This portion seems pretty technical. It looks like it’s related to programming techniques and system architecture from the time. (I don’t know these things. 💦) That kind of stuff. Maybe this would mean something to someone with more expertise? (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 23:00:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850900447181299792 | |
ドキュメントの中にSFC版発売後にユーザーの皆さんから寄せられたハガキや手紙と思われるいくつかもファイリングされ、他機種への移植にあたりその要件をできるだけ吸い上げようとする旨の記載がありました。 インターネット普及はるか以前のアナログなやりとりが中心の時代、互いに認知はできずともユーザーと制作側の共創があったという記録ですね😭 また販促冊子?ファンクラブ解放?「フェーダクラブ」のコーナー案らしき記載も見当たります。 (続く | |
Also among the documents are folders of correspondence from players who sent in postcards and letters after the release of the Super Famicom game. There’s mention that the developers were trying to do their best to account for everyone’s feedback while working on the game’s port. This was a time when the Internet wasn’t so widespread and such analog forms of communication were standard. Neither side of this collaboration between developers and players could have known their words would one day form such a record. 😭 There’s also some kind of promotional booklet. Something for the fan club perhaps? I also found what looks like a rough draft of a FEDA Club column. (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 23:03:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850901252953219484 | |
当時開発にあたった方々の熱い思いが端々から伝わります😊 イベント演出へのオーダー、シリーズやキャラクターたちへの思い入れや一部元ネタ、ラクガキ(笑)などなど、この熱量をぜひ感じ取ってほしい🔥 (続く | |
The passion of everyone involved in the games’ development shows through in the little things. 😊 From the way the game’s events are staged to the emotional attachment shown for the series and its characters, all the inspiration and even the doodles (lol) and everything else, I hope you can really feel the passion they had. 🔥 (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 23:12:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850903436218536197 | |
その他とてもSNSだけではご紹介できないほど濃密な情報がここに記されています。 いつかなんらかの形で皆さんにご紹介できればいいなあと思っております✨ 後述しますがこのファイルを発見し中を確認したとき、『これは!ハ〇ードレベルの高いプレシャス!!』だと瞬時に認識できた発見者を誉めたげてください😆 (続く | |
There’s so much information collected here that it’s impossible to share it all on social media alone. It’s my hope that someday, somehow we’ll be able to show all this off to the world. ✨ As I’ll get into more below, as soon as the person who found all this realized what it was, they said out loud, “This is some hardcore, precious stuff!” So we owe them our thanks. 😆 (Continued) | |
10/28/2024 23:17:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850904758560973029 | |
最後に少しだけ真面目な話をすると... 今回の開発ドキュメント、実は今年取り壊しの決まった弊社倉庫建屋から発見されたものでした。 おそらく25年以上は使われてこなかった建屋で段ボールに入った状態だったため、比較的状態が良く現在まで保存されていたと推測しています。 ただ保存状態良好とはいえ、経年劣化による糊付け部の変色、添付力がなくなってしまい上張りされた部分が欠損していたり、紙質自体が朽ちているところもあります。 今後このままの状態を維持するどころか、さらなる劣化を防ぐには相応のエネルギーが必要なのは間違いなく、果たしていつまで保持できるか... 開発資料の保存についてはCEDEC2024でも取り上げられたばかりですが、現役メーカーの皆さんですらなかなか大変そうに見受けられるなか、弊社のように既に業界から離れた企業にとっては保存期間が過ぎた単なるドキュメント、即廃棄されてもおかしくないと言えます。 フェーダ30周年という区切りの年に同作品の開発資料が奇跡的に発見されたことに何かしら意味があるのかもしれません。 この公開をきっかけに同じような状況の各社や業界団体、さらには何らか議論や公的な取り組みへのキッカケにならないものか...未来に向け前向きな何かが起きることを期待しつつ、長文をシメさせていただきます✨ (続く←エ? | |
Finally, on a somewhat more serious note . . . These documents were found in a company warehouse that was scheduled for demolition this year. My guess is that since the building’s gone unused for over twenty-five years and the files were kept in a cardboard box, they’ve remained in relatively decent condition and preserved up to this very day. But even with their good condition, parts that were held in with glue have become discolored with age and have lost their adhesion, with the covered parts becoming partly damaged. And there are places where the paper itself is starting to rot. For sure it’s going to take a lot of effort to prevent any further deterioration, let alone maintaining its current state. I have to wonder just how long it can stay preserved . . . Preservation of game development documents was a topic of conversation at the recent CEDEC2024. It’s enough of a challenge for game developers who are still in business, so it’s no surprise that for a company like ours that’s since left the games industry, when this kind of paperwork reaches the end of its retention period, it’s subject to immediate disposal. It feels somehow significant that these design documents would be miraculously recovered the same year we commemorate FEDA’s thirtieth anniversary. I wonder if this announcement won't serve as an opportunity to start some kind of conversation or public discourse between companies and industry bodies who find themselves in the same situation . . . ? I’ll conclude this long post with the hope that something comes of this as we look to the future. ✨ (Continued?) | |
10/28/2024 23:21:00 JST https://x.com/puzzle_yanoman/status/1850905709006999721 | |
(お詫びとお知らせ) フェーダで道を踏み外したケ〇ナーの皆様へ!🙇 なお社内に説明しづらいので、専門用語への言及はお控えください😆 | |
(Apology and notice) To all the furries who FEDA led down the path! 🙇 Since it’s hard to explain to other people at the company, please show some restraint in the terminology you use in reference to this. 😆 |